Schnitger in Brazil
In 1752, Portuguese King John V gave the Cathedral in Mariana, Brazil, the 1701 Schnitger that had been built for the Franciscan church in Lisbon (thus sparing the organ that musicologists had long believed to have been lost in the Lisbon earthquake of 1756). The organ was restored in 1977 by the Beckerath workshop in Hamburg, and in 2001 by Bernhard Edskes. Silent for most of its existence, the organ is heard in music of the Baroque era as composed in Mexico, Bogotá (Colombia), Recife (Brazil), and Bolivia and played by Cristina Gracia Banegas. TORRES: Batalla; Partidos de 1°, 2°, 6° tono; Obra de mano derecha de media registro MANUEL BLASCO: Versos al órgano en duo, para chirimías (5 versos) LUIS ALVAREZ PINTO: Liçcoes de solfejo ANON.: 10 works from 3 Bolivian notebooks