A Year at Ely
The 6th installment of Regent’s “A Year at…” series, The Choir of Ely Cathedral presents a collection of music for the church year. This disc includes three premiere recordings of works by Grier, Parry, Martin, and Brandon’s smooth jazz-inspired setting of Away in A Manger. Track Listing: Advent Richard Rodney Bennett (1936-2012) Out of your sleep Christmas William James Kirkpatrick (1838-1921) Away in a manger (arr. Pat Brandon) Epiphany Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810-1876) Ascribe unto the Lord Candlemas Charles Wood (1866-1926) Nunc dimittis in B flat Lent Ben Parry (b.1965) Prayer Holy Week Thomas Tomkins (1572-1656) When David heard Easter Patrick Hadley (1899-1973) My beloved spake Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) Laudate pueri Op. 39 No. 2 Ascension Sir Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924) Coelos ascendit hodie Pentecost Cedric Thorpe Davie (1913-1983) Come, Holy Ghost, the maker St. Etheldreda Matthew Martin (b.1976) A Hymn to St Ethelreda Sir Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924) Beati quorum via Harvest Herbert Sumison (1899-1995) Fear not, O land All Souls Sir Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924) Justorum animae Remembrance Francis Grier (b.1955) Death be not proud Christ the King John Rutter (b.1945) O clap your hands Total Playing Time: 75:00 2014, Regent Records