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Concordia Publishing House
Benjamin Culli, Hymn Tune Innovations: Seven Settings for the Church Year
Seven creative settings by Benjamin M. Culli. Contents: Titles A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Christ Is Our Cornerstone Come, Thou Almighty King God, Whose Almighty Word In God, My Faithful God No Saint on Earth Lives Life to Self Alone Shepherd of Tender Youth The Will of God Is Always Best Who Puts His Trust in God most Just Tunes AUF MEINEN LIEBEN GOTT DARWALL'S 148TH EIN FESTE BURG ITALIAN HYMN SONG 1 WAS MEIN GOTT WILL WER GOTT WERTRAUT, HAT WOHL GEBAUT Difficulty Level: Medium - Easy 34 pages, softbound 2016 Concordia Publishing House