Charles Callahan, The Art of Hymn Playing: 250 Preludes, Introductions, Free Accompaniments, and Alternate Harmonizations, Volume 1
Charles Callahan is not only known as a respected composer and recitalist, but is also known as a creative church musician. His years of leading worship from the console are reflected in this expansive collection of useful pieces. 'The Art of Hymn Playing' contains over 250 introductions, preludes, alternate harmonizations, and free accompaniments. This collection will stay on the organ console for many years to come. Tune Contents: Ar hyd y nos; Aurelia; Aus der Tiefe rufe ich; Austrian Hymn; Azmon; Beach Spring; Beecher; Bunessan; Caithness; Charlestown; Christe sanctorum; Christus, der ist mein Leben; Consolation; Coronation; Creation; CWM Rhondda; Darwall’s 148th; Dennis; Deo gracias; Deus tuorum militum; Diademata; Distress; Dix; Duke Street; Ein feste Burg; Erhalt uns, Herr; Ermuntre dich; Eventide; Forest Green; Foundation; Germany; Gerontius; Gott Vater sei gepriesen; Grosser Gott; Hanover; He Leadeth Me; Herzlich tut mich verlangen; Hyfrydol; Hymn to Joy; In Babilone; Jesu dulcis memoria; Kum Ba Yah; Land of Rest; Leoni; Let Us Break Bread; Llanfair; Llangloffan; Lobe den Herren; Love Unknown; Madrid; Maryton; McKee; Melcombe; Melita; Merton; Miles Lane; Mit Freuden zart; Munich; Nettleton; New Britain; Nicaea; Nun danket all und bringet ehr; Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland; O Heiland, reiss die Himmel auf; O quanta qualia; O Waly Waly; O Welt, ich muss dich lassen; Old Hundredth; Old 124th; Olivet; Pange lingua (mode 3); Picardy; Pilot; Pleading Savior; Ratisbon; Regent Square; Rendez à Dieu; Restoration; Rockingham; St. Agnes; St. Anne; St. Catherine; St. Christopher; St. Columba; St. Denio; St. Flavian; St. Peter; St. Stephen; St. Thomas; Salzburg; Schönster Herr Jesu; Sicilian Mariners; Simple Gifts; Sine Nomine; Slane; Song 13; Stuttgart; Tallis’ Canon; Toplady; Ubi caritas; Unser Herrscher; Valet will ich dir geben; Veni, Emmanuel; Wachet auf; Wareham; Was frag’ ich nach der Welt; Was Gott tut; Watchman; Webb; Were You There; Westminster Abbey; Wie schön leuchtet; Winchester New; Winchester Old; Wunderbarer König
Paired with companion Volume II (MSM-10-607), organists will have a very complete set of useful materials for inspiring hymn accompaniments.
2006, Morning Star Music, 163 pgs, spiral-bound