Charles Callahan, The Art of Hymn Playing: 250 Preludes, Introductions, Free Accompaniments, and Alternate Harmonizations, Volume 2
Charles Callahan’s years of leading worship from the console are reflected in this second expansive collection of useful pieces for the church organist. A follow-up to his highly successful first volume, this edition once again offers over 250 new introductions, preludes, alternate harmonizations, and accompaniments. A la venue de Noel; All Saints; Alleluia; Alleluia, Dulce Carmen; Anima Christi; Assurance; Ave virgo virginum; Avon; Balm in Gilead; Bangor; Beatitudo; Bescancon; Bishopthorpe; Bourbon; Bradbury; Bread of Life; Bryn Calfaria; Canonbury; Carol; Cheshire; Chesterfield;Christmas; Conditor ame siderum; Converse; Conventry Carol; Cradle Song; Creator alme siderum; Crimond; Cross of Jesus; Darmstadt; Detroit Ding Dong! Merrily on High; Divinum mysterium; Dominus regit me; Dove of Peace; Douglass; Dulce Carmen; Dundee; Dunlap's Creek; Ebenezer; Eisenach; Ellacombe; Ellers; England's Lane; Es ist ein' Ros; Es flog ein kleins Waldvogelein; Evan; Franconia; Freu dich sehr; Galilee; Gaudeamus pariter; Gethsemane; Go Tell It; Gott sei Dank; Gottes Sohn ist kommen; Hall; Helmsley; Hendon; Hereford; Holy Manna; Horsley; Innsbruck; Iste Confessor; Jefferson; Jesous ahatonhia; Jewels; Judas Maccabaeus; Kas Dziedaja; Kingsfold; Komm, o komm, du Geist des Lebens; Kremser; Laudate Dominum; Laudes Domini; Le Cantique de Simeon; Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier; London New; Lully, Lulla; Lyons; Martyrdom; Mendelssohn; Monkland; Morecambe; More Love to Thee; Morning Song; Morning Star; Moscow; New England; Non Dignus; Nun danket alle Gott; Nun danket all und bringet Her; O Welt, ich muss dich lassen; Orientis Partibus; Pentecost; Personent Hodie; Pilgrims; Potsdam; Rathbun; Redhead 76; Repton; Richmond; Rise Up, Shepherd; Rustington; St. Anthony Chorale; St. Clement; St. George's Windsor; St. James; St. Margaret; St. Matthew; Salvation; Sandon; Shepherd; Siroe; Song 1; Southwell; Stabat Mater dolorosa; Star in the East; Stille Nacht; Tallis' Ordinal; Tender Thought; Terra Beata; Terra Patris; The Ash Grove; To God Be the Glory; Ton-y-botel; Tony-botel; Une jeune pucelle; Vesper Hymn; Vox Angelica; Wachet auf; Was frag ich nach der Welt; When He Cometh; Wie lieblich ist der Maien; Wondrous Love; Woodworth; York; Yorkshire; Zeuch mich, zeuch mich; Zpivejmez vsickni vesele.
Paired with companion Volume I (MSM-10-597), organists will have a complete approach to inspiring hymn accompanying.
2009, Morning Star Music, 190 pgs, spiral-bound.