Choral Evensong for the Feast of Edmund, King and Martyr
In celebration of the Feast of St. Edmund, the men and boys of the Cathedral Choir of St. Edmundsbury, in Suffolk, England, make this recording of choral evensong. The service is officiated by the Very Reverend Raymond Furnell, Provost of St. Edmundsbury. Canon Martin Shaw reads the Old Testament Lesson. Mervyn Cousins conducts, while Scott Farrell plays the 1970 Nicholson and Company organ (which retains pipework from a previous instrument by Norman and Beard). The Mags and Nuncs were commissioned specifically for this choir. Olivier Messiaen Les Enfants de Dieu Russian melody arr. Sydney Campbell Praise to God in the Highest Humphrey Clucas Preces Lesser Litany, Lord's Prayer and Response Edgar Day Psalm 91 Plainsong O Mundi Pater Unice David Horne Magnificat Nunc Dimittis John Tavener Our Father in Heaven John Goss Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven Charles-Marie Widor Allegro (Symphonie VI)