Die Orgeln des Wormser Kaiserdoms
Dan Zerfaß plays the Scwalbennestorgel ("Swallow's Nest" Organ) built in 1985 by the Klais firm, and the choir organ built in 1996 by the Oberinger firm at St. Peter's Cathedral, Worms. The Klais organ is situated high on the north wall of the church, in the same place where the church organ sat during the seventeenth century, speaking boldly into the 110 meter long Romanesque styled space. The choir organ was built to supplement the Klais, and is in the style of Aristide Cavaillé-Coll. Schwalbennest-Orgel (Klais) Dietrich Buxtehude Te Deum laudamus BuxWV 218 Te Deum laudamus, PraeludiumTe DeumPleni sunt coeliTe martyrumTu devicto Johann Sebastian Bach Choralbearbeitung (Chorale Prelude) über Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr canto fermo in Soprano a 2 clav. e pedale BWV 662 Trio super Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr a 2 Clav. e pedale BWV 664 Fantasia et Fuga in g-Moll BWV 542 Olivier Messiaen Trasports de joie (III)from L'Ascension - 4 Méditations symphoniques Chor-Orgel (Oberlinger) César Franck Prière in cis-Moll op. 20.3 from Six Pièces Gabriel Pierné Trois Pièces op. 29Prélude in g-MollCantilène in Es-DurScherzando de concert in c-Moll