James H. Rogers (edited by Charles L. Echols), James H. Rogers Organ Music Volume 1: Sonatas
Rogers (1857-1940) was a native of Fairfield, Connecticut, who studied with Clarence Eddy in Chicago before venturing to Berlin for two years of work with Eddy’s former teacher,August Haupt, culminating his major organ studies in Paris, with Alexandre Guilmant, and composition with Charles Marie Widor. (see Rollin Smith: The Tracker, Spring 2009). Editor Charles L. Echols offers a penetrating study of these works, and organs associated with the prolific composer. Contents: Preface: James H. Rogers Original Organ Works Specifications of Organs Associated with James H. Rogers Three Organ Specifications A Survey of Performing Practices: America and England 1890s-1940s Sonata in E Minor Sonata No. 2 Third Sonata Editorial Report Difficulty Level: Medium – Difficult 94 pages, softbound 2016 Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.