Czech flutist Žofie Vokálková and American organist Kathleen Scheide join forces as the widely acclaimed Due Solisti. This recording notably features two works commissioned by the duo: Pamela Decker’s Chaconne on Ave caeli janua and Lynn Job’s House of Jatamansi (for organ, flute, and narrator). The program offers the opportunity to hear two fine Pennsylvania instruments, enhanced by the pairing of these two talents, in enticing new repertoire for flute and organ. Track Listing: Jirí Ropek (1922-2005)SonataAllegroLentoAllegroChant Ave caeli januaJennifer Elaine Young, sopranoPamela Decker (b. 1955) Chaconne on </>Ave caeli januaLynn Job (b. 1959) House of JatamansiJohn Cook, narratorTwilightMoonsongReverieMichal Macourek (b. 1972) Duo Andante maestosoYen Barabas (1901-1939) “Jody” Suite (for flute alone)FantasieMeditationCon brioLionel Rogg (b. 1936) SonateAllegro giocosoAdagioCon spirito Total Playing Time: 57:29 2014, Raven Recordings Reviews The Duo is a paradigm of musical collaboration in their seamless, unified performances. These rarely heard works will provide pleasurable listening, and attractive ideas for those seeking new "organ plus" repertoire. -James Hildreth (The American Organist, Oct. 2013) The performances by Czech flutist Žofie Vokálková and American organist Kathleen Scheide are impeccable, and the sound is luscious. I found value in these selections that I believe flutists and organists would appreciate. -Todd Gorman (The American Record Guide, Sep./Oct. 2013)