Mary Carbello, Heaven Is My Home
Compiled by Mary F. Carbello, this collection will become your go-to book for funerals. God's Own Child, I Gladly Say it- Kevin Hildebrand There Is a Balm in Gilead- Richard Proulx I Know That My Redeemer Lives- Kevn Hildebrand A Mighty Fortress Is Our God- Wilbur Held I'm But a Stranger Here- John A. Behnke Jesus, Priceless Treasure- Charles W. Ore Jesus, Priceless Treasure- Kevin Hildebrand Jesus Lives! The Victory's Won- John A. Behnke Jerusalem, My Happy Home- Charles Callahan Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia- Christopher A. Loemker Sing with All the Saints in Glory- Anne Krentz Amazing Grace- Charles Callahan Jesus, Lead Thou On- John Blackburn For All the Saints- Benjamin M. Culli Children of the Heavenly Father- Donald Busarow Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me- Kevin Hildebrand Organ Solo Difficulty level: Medium 48 pages, softbound 2013 Concordia Publishing House