Órganos Históricos de Oaxaca, México, Volume 5: Música Oaxaqueña en el Órgano de la Catedral de Oaxaca, Cecilia Winter, órgano, Valentín Hernández, percusiones
The fifth CD of the series presents a program of Oaxacan folk music played on the Cathedral organ by Cicely Winter with accompaniment by percussionist Valentín Hernández. This recording presents an unexpected combination of two aspects of Oaxaca’s rich musical heritage–today’s vibrant folk music played on a pipe organ from the colonial past. However, this is not as strange as it may seem. This music is typically played by local brass bands, and the organ is capable of sounding like a complete band in itself. The organ is complemented here by various percussion instruments: the standard combination of bass drum, snare drum, and cymbal, along with rattles, a triangle, a scraper, a traditional village drum and a conch shell trumpet. It is our hope that this recording of well-known music will not only delight its listeners, but also entice Oaxacans to go and hear the actual organs. It is possible that it may also help preserve the non-functioning organs in the villages as people realize how their organs once sounded and how they may someday sound again. Play time: 1:04:27
INTRODUCCIÓN: Invocación y las Mañanitas Cecilia Winter, órgano, Valentín Hernández, percussion
VALLES CENTRALES Marcha Gira Triunfal (Cipriano Peres Serna) Llévame Oaxaqueña (Samuel Mondragón) Jarabe del Valle Danza de la Pluma (compilado por Heriberto Sánchez) Registro Espacio Descante Cuadrillas I: La Flor del Tule Cuadrillas II: La Cruz Registro (repetición) Cántaro de Coyotepec (Samuel Mondragón)
REGIÓN DE LA MIXTECA Canción Mixteca (José López Alavez) Jarabe Mixteco (compilado por Antonio Martínez Corro)
REGIÓN DE LA SIERRA MIXE Himno al Rey Condoy Jarabe Mixe (Rito Marcelino Roviroso)
REGIÓN DE LA CAÑADA Tortolita Cantadora (Samuel Mondragón)
REGIÓN DE LA COSTA Sones de Pochutla: El Perro, El Cotón, El Borracho, El Zopilote, El Toro Pinotepa (Álvaro Carrillo)
REGIÓN DEL ISTMO La Martiniana (son tradicional) El Feo (Demetrio López) La Tortuga La Llorona (son tradicional) La Sandunga (Máximo Ramón Ortiz) REGIÓN DEL ALTO PAPALOAPAN La Tonalteca Flor de Piña (Samuel Mondragón)
CONCLUSIÓN Mi Linda Oaxaca (Jacobo Kendis) Dios Nunca Muere—Himno Oaxaqueño (Macedonio Alcalá)