Splendid Service - The Restoration of David Tannenberg's Home Moravian Church Organ (1800)
The written documentation of the restoration effort to save the magnificent Tannenberg organ in the Home Moravian Church in Salem, North Carolina, which was completed in 1800. The historical importance of Tannenberg's organ was recognized at the time of its dismantling, and it was not destroyed, but remained in storage in various locations for 88 years. Since its restoration, nearly 200 years of the organ's history have been deciphered and analyzed. With meticulous care and understanding, the organ has been returned to its original state, musically and visually, and now stands in Old Salem as a tribute to the talent and craftsmanship of a master organ builder, David Tannenberg, and the remarkable musical achievement he created in the North Carolina backcountry.
2004; 104 pages; softbound, glossy paper