Tennessee Organ Tour, Volume 2: John Brock Plays
John Brock plays these organs: B. Rule & Co. rebuild of a Pilcher tracker at Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church, Knoxville Richards, Fowkes & Co. organ at Westminster Presbyterian, Knoxville Bedient Pipe Organ Co. organ at Idlewild Presbyterian, Memphis The organs contrast greatly: the sumptuous tones of the turn-of-the-20th-century Pilcher were extended in the rebuild; the richness of the beautifully voiced new organ in essentially German style by Richards, Fowkes speaks the language of the repertoire selected by Brock; and the vastly symphonic French pallette of the Bedient present the French works to perfection. ALAIN: Litanies; Deuxième Fantaisie; Postlude pour l’Office de complies FRANCK: Final, op. 21 SAINT-SAËNS: Rhapsodie no. 1, op. 7 J. K. PAINE: Fantasy on A Mighty Fortress RINCK: Concerto in F, Rondo mvt. BÖHM: Praeludium in d HANFF: 3 Chorale Preludes: Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein; Auf meinen lieben Gott; Ein feste Burg BACH: Partita O Gott, du frommer Gott