The Aeolian-Skinner Legacy Presents: Music Festival
Honoring Clarence Dickinson, Founder of the American Guild of Organists, Riverside Church in New York City on April 27, 1958. Twenty-three choirs, three conductors, and a clutch of organists and soloists came together to honor Clarence Dickinson. Today, the name of participant Virgil Fox still commands attention, but the veneration with which Dickinson and his wife were then honored was notable. The event celebrates her life, his 85th- birthday and his 50 years’ service as organist/choirmaster of the Brick Presbyterian Church in New York City. ENJOY! Track Listing: Disc 1 Dickinson – Allegro Maestoso from “Storm King Symphony” Dickinson – Andante Serioso Dickinson – The Joy of Redeemed Call to Worship – Dr. Tibbetts (Ukrainian) The Lord’s Prayer Commentary – Mr. Knight Gabrieli – Echo Kyrie Eleison Commentary – Mr. Knight Grieg – The Countless Hosts Prayer of Thanksgiving – Dr. Tibbetts Commentary – Mr. Knight O Nightingale, Awake A Christmas Carol from Lapland! Dickinson – Still, there is Bethlehem Dickinson – The Shepherd’s Story Total Playing Time: 69:33 Disc 2 Antes – Go, Congregation, Go Interlude In Joseph’s Lovely Garden Greetings to the Festival, Virgil Fox The Reverend Norris L. Tibbetts President Henry Pitney Van Dusen Dr. Paul Austin Wolfe Dr. S. Lewis Elmer The Reverend Deane Edwards Presentation by Virgil Fox Acceptance by Clarence Dickinson Sowerby – Eternal Light Dickinson – Beneath the Shadow Bechler – Praise, Thanksgiving, Glory, Honour Prayer and the Benediction Dickinson – The Shadows of Evening Recessional Hymn Organ Postlude Total Playing Time: 62:55