Contents: Computer Aided Organ Documentation Uwe Pape, a Pioneer in the Field, Describes Methods The OHS Organ Database Elizabeth Towne Schmitt, Chair of the Database Committee, Describes Evolution of the OHS Extant List and Its Update The Booth Organ in St. George’s Church, St. Kitts George Bozeman Describes this 3-32 of 1872 Built in England for St. George’s on the West Indies Island of St. Kitts Alaska’s Oldest Organ Plays Again After a Century David Dahl Recounts History and Damage by Fire, of the Estonian-Built Organ, Now Restored by Martin Pasi An Hour of Glory Organbuilding Repair Neglected Organs for OHS Conventions What Happens to Them Thereafter? By Wm. T. Van Pelt Notes & Queries Reviews Obituaries Organ Update Pipedreams Program
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