The Walker Organ of Adelaide Town Hall Australia’s oldest Town Hall houses a 4 manual, 84 rank instrument from England, the largest mechanical action organ built in the United Kingdom in 100 years, says the CD booklet. Calvin Bowman, a resident of Australia and Yale University Fulbright scholar, performs. Léon Boëllmann Suite GothiqueIntroduction - ChoralMenuet gothiquePrière a Notre DameToccata César Franck Offertoire sur un noël Breton Trois Antiennes, M. 27 Pièce pour Grand Orgue Paul de Maleingreau Suite Mariale, op. 65L'AnnonciationLa VisitationLes Sept DouleursLa Glorification Frank Martin Agnus Dei Alec Rowley Festival March Eric H. Thiman A Simple Air Trumpet Tune and Air Graeme Koehne To His Servant Bach God Grants A Final Glimpse: The Morning Star Gottic Toccata
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