Historic Organs of Maine
28-page booklet with stoplists, photos, and histories of the organs 40 Performers: Marion Anderson, Susan Armstrong, Robert Barney, George Bozeman, Leonard Ciampa, Ray Cornils, Gregory Crowell, David Dahl, Robin Dinda, J. Bryan Dyker, Jane Edge, Kristin Farmer, Brian Franck, Susan Friesen, Kimberly Ann Hess, Meg Irwin-Brandon, Brian Jones, Rachelen Lien, Stephen Long, Robert K. Love, Lorenz Maycher, Lenora McCroskey, Marian Metson, Earl Miller, Marvin Mills, Rosalind Mohnsen, Philip Montgomery, Frances Nobert, Barbara Owen, Charles Page, D. R. M. Paterson. 39 Organs: 1847 E. & G. G. Hook, Community Ch., Stockton Springs; 1848 George Stevens, Alfred Parish Church, Alfred; 1848 George Stevens, The First Church, Belfast; 1848 Erben, Turner Village Church, Turner; 1850 Wm. B. D. Simmons, 2nd Baptist, Bowdoinham; 1850 E. & G. G. Hook, Community Church, Buckfield; 1854 Rufus Johnson, N. Cong. Ch., Groveville, Buxton; 1854 E. & G. G. Hook, Westbrook U. Meth., Portland; 1857 George Stevens, 1st Christian, New Gloucester; 1860 E. & G. G. Hook, St. John’s R.C. Church, Bangor; 1861 George Stevens, Cong. Church, Cumberland; 1863 E. & G. G. Hook, Elm St. Cong., Bucksport; 1866 E. & G. G. Hook, South Parish Cong., Augusta; 1867 George Stevens, Baptist Church, Blue Hill; 1867 George Stevens, Center Street Cong., Machias; 1873 George Stevens, 1st Cong., Calais; 1875 L. C. Tilton, Leeds Community Church, Leeds; 1876 E. & G. G. Hook & Hastings, 1Universal., Auburn; 1878 George H. Ryder, The United Church, Monmouth; 1880 S. S. Hamill, 1st Baptist, Hallowell; 1883 Johnson & Son, United Methodist, Saco. WORKS: ANDRIESSEN: Sonata da Chiesa BEETHOVEN: 3 Pieces for a Mechanical Organ BOELLMANN: Elévation, Op. 29, No. 1 BOLCOM: Shall We Gather at the River BUCK: Silent Night CHADWICK: Response; Waltz No. 2 CLARK: Marche au Girondon COLERIDGE-TAYLOR: Impromptu 1 DUBOIS: Fiat Lux; Offertoire DUNHAM: Sortie, Op. 17, No. 2 ELGAR: Vesper Voluntaries, Op. 14, Nos. 3 & 4 FAULKES: Canzone in A minor; March in E-flat FOOTE: Canzonetta, Op. 71, No. 4 FRYSINGER: Liberty March GIGOUT: Allegretto GOLDMARK: Bridal Song GRIEG: The Last Spring GUILMANT: Marche Religieuse HANDEL: 2 Pieces from the Fireworks Music HAYDN: Theme & Var.; 3 Pieces for a Clock Organ HESSE: Variations on God Save the King HOWELLS: Master Tallis’s Testament, Psalm Prelude Lo, the Poor Crieth KARG-ELERT: The Reed-Grown Waters KÉLER-BÉLA: Lustspiel Ouverture, Op. 73 KLICKA: Legenda KREBS: Wer nur den lieben Gott LEFÉBURE-WÉLY: Andantino LEMMENS: Marche Pontificale MENDELSSOHN: Sonata V in D; Adagio fr. Sonata I in F; Andante with Variations; Spring Song PAULL: American Wedding March PEETERS: Toccata (60 Short Pieces) PERRY: Christos Patterakis POULENC: Suite Française RATHGEBER: Aria Pastorella ROBINSON: Aria SCHUMANN: Abendlied; Fugue I on BACH SELBY: Fuge or Voluntary STANLEY: Solo for a German Flute, Op. 1, No. 6 Allegro fr. Voluntary in G, Op. 5, No. 8 VERDI: Grand March from Aida VIERNE: Claire de Lune; Scherzetto & Choral VIERNE: Carillon de Longpont WEAVER: The Squirrel C. WESLEY: Variations on God Save the King S. WESLEY: Fugue fr. Voluntary in G, Op. 6, No. 9; 12 Short Pieces, Nos. 2 & 9 WHITNEY: Toccata ZUNDEL: Introduction & Fugue in D minor 9 Hymns Still, Still With Thee