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1. Fanfare for St. Anthony 2. Aria 3. Come, Pure Hearts: Introduction, Theme, and Variations 4. Psalm 88 Grace Tice (oboe) 5. A Second Light 6. Hymn Tune: PROFFITT Sarah Mesko (mezzo-soprano) Jesús Pacheco Mánuel (percussion) 7. Night Cries 8. “How Shallow Former Shadows Seem” Floyd Robinson (reader) 9. A Love so Fierce and Free: A Litany 10. Hymn Tune: SIMPSON Sarah Mesko (mezzo-soprano) 11. For the Means of Grace and for the Hope of Glory 12. Canzona Grace Tice (oboe) 13. Sarabande 14. Reflections on a Tune 15. Brewer’s Trumpet