E. Joseph Butler, The Keyboard Manuscripts of Francis Hopkinson Volume III
This volume, edited by H. Joseph Butler, contains a variety of musical styles that were popular in America in the second half of the eighteenth century. Contents: Preface Introduction His Life The Manuscripts Performance Editorial Policy Critical Notes Compositions Parlo, ma sol parlando Allegro and Minuet Andante del Sigr. Pasquali Air by Valentine Rondeau Aria di Caccia by Mr. Burton Largo Air (with variations, from Concerto, Op. 4, No. 2) Minuet by Pasquali Minuet Minuet by Pugnani Larghetto (Op. 3, Lesson 5, Larghetto) Sonata for the Harpsichord (and violin or flute) by Abel Overture by the Earl of Kelly Adapted for the Harpsichord by Mr. Jas. Bremner Air Champêtre par M. Balbastre Air in Berenice Sonata del Sigr, Galuppi The Haymaker’s Dance Concerto Lesson (Concerto, Op. 1, No. 3) Air by Pasquali Gasparini-Largo Sonata de Sigr. Sarti March March Aria Overture (Symphony in D) by Stamitz Handel’s Coronation Anthem Minuet Minuet Andante (Op. 3, Lesson 6, Andante) Largo Moderato (fugue fragment) Illustrations Plate 1: Christ Church, Philadelphia, Anonymous engraving, c. 1800 Plate 2: Hopkinson’s Index for the Lessons Plate 3: Interior of Christ Church, Philadelphia, showing the 1766 Fehring organ case Plate 4: Overture by Stamitz Plate 5: Sonata by Sigr. Galuppi Difficulty: Easy 111 pages, softbound 2014 Wayne Leupold Editions, Inc.