Gillian Weir "On Stage" at Royal Festival Hall
Gillian Weir plays the newly refurbished and famous 119-rank organ designed by Ralph Downes for London's prime concert hall and built by Harrison & Harrison. Completed in 1954, the organ was refurbished in 1964 and 1979 with minor tonal adjustments by Downes. The new work added mechanical devices, new mechanism within the original console, but otherwise left the organ tonally intact. Dame Gillian recorded it in June, 2005, before the entire organ was removed for refurbishment of the rest of it. CHARLES IVES: Variations on America DANDRIEU: Three Noels: Ou Nous dites Marie; Puer nobis; Ou s’en vont BACH: Prelude & Fugue in C, BWV 547 JULES GRISON: Toccata REGER: Fantasie und Fuge in d, op. 135b DUPRÉ: Variations sur un Noël GUY BOVET: Trois Préludes Hambourgeois: Salamanca; Sarasota; Hamburg