Historic Organs of New Orleans: Seventeen Historic Pipe Organs, The Bayous to Natchez
16-page booklet with stoplists, histories & photos, recorded during the 1989 OHS National Convention CONTENTS: DURUFLÉ: Meditation Improvised by Vierne Victimae Paschali Improvised by Tournemire Jesse E. Eschbach, Organist 1861 Simmons & Willcox/1900 Wm. Schuelke St. Mary’s Assumption Church, New Orleans ANON: Colonial Marches & Three Dances WESLEY: Larghetto, Introduction and Fuga James S. Darling, Organist 1837 Erben/1885 Pilcher St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Woodville, Miss. LEFÉBURE-WELY: Pastorale PERERA: 3 Meditations on Wondrous Love Donald Messer, Organist 1885 Hook & Hastings, Felicity Methodist, New Orleans GUILMANT: March Lift Up Your Heads James Hammann, Organist 1905 Hook-Hastings/1981 Redman Organ Co. St. Matthew’s United Church of Christ, New Orleans HYMN: "The God of Abraham Praise" Leoni W. A. MOZART: Fantasy in F, K. 608 Lorenz Maycher, organist 1926 E. M. Skinner, Temple Sinai, New Orleans RHEINBERGER: Vision, Op. 156, No. 5 HORATIO PARKER: Marcia Religiosa Rosalind Mohnsen, Organist 1910 Kilgen, Parker Methodist, New Orleans MAX REGER: Two Preludes on Allein Gott Gerald D. Frank, Organist 1905 Pilcher, Temple B’Nai Israel, Natchez, Miss. MICHEELSEN: Toccata on "Praise to the Lord" HYMN: "Praise to the Lord" J. Thomas Mitts, Organist 1912 Tellers-Sommerhof, Holy Trinity R. C., New Orleans GROBE: Dixie’s Land with Brilliant Variations WILLIAM BOYCE: Voluntary I George Bozeman, Organist 1860/1886 Pilcher, Grace Episcopal, St. Francisville, La. CARL NIELSEN: 8 of 24 Short Preludes HYMN: "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence" Bruce Stevens, Organist 1870 Jardine, St. Theresa, New Orleans EDWIN H. LEMARE: The Bell Scherzo TCHAIKOVSKY/LEMARE: Romeo & Juliet Frederick Hohman, organist 1986 Goulding & Wood, Christ Church Cathedral, Epis., New Orleans J. S. BACH: Allegro from Sonata V in C Marcus G. St. Julien, Organist 1989 Visser-Rowland, John Calvin Presbyterian, Metairie HANDEL: Fireworks Music John Gearhart, Organist ca. 1880 Jardine, Christ Epis., Napoleonville, La. JOHN K. PAINE: Fantasy on "A Mighty Fortress" Carol Teti, Organist 1907 Hinners, Trinity Meth., New Orleans EDDY: Festival Prelude on SETH BINGHAM: Olivet from 12 Hymn-Preludes HYMN: "Not Alone for Mighty Empire" Lenora McCroskey, Organist 1921 Hinners, St. John the Baptist R. C., Edgard, La. MENDELSSOHN: Finale, Sonata VI, Op. 65 Mary Gifford Matthys, Organist 1890 Pilcher, Redeemer Lutheran, Lafayette JAMES HEWITT: The Fourth of July Garry John Savoie, Organist 1885 Pilcher, St. Martin, St. Martinsville