Hymn Prelude Library, Volume 3
Comprehensive organ preludes based on the hymn tunes of Lutheran Service Book. In the tradition of The Parish Organist and the Concordia Hymn Prelude Series, this is the third of 12 volumes of creative, substantive, and practical preludes for every organist and congregation. Hymn Tumes: DAMASCUS ROAD DARWALL’S 148TH DAS WALT GOTT VATER DEN SIGNESE DAG DEN STORE HVIDE FLOK DENBY DENNIS DEO GRACIAS DER AM KREUZ DER LIEBEN SONNE LICHT UND PRACHT DER MANGE SKAL KOMME DETROIT DEUS TUORUM MILITUM DIADEMATA DIE GÜLDNE SONNE DIVINUM MYSTERIUM DIX DOROTHY DOWN AMPNEY DU LEBENSBROT, HERR JESU CHRIST DUKE STREET DUNDEE DUNEDIN DUNSTAN EARTH AND ALL STARS (A♭) EARTH AND ALL STARS (G) EASTER HYMN EBENEZER EIN FESTE BURG (ISORHYTHMIC) EIN FESTE BURG (RHYTHMIC) EINS IST NOT EIRENE EL SEÑOR ES MI LUZ ELLACOMBE (A) ELLACOMBE (G) ELLERS ELVET BANKS ENERGY (F) ENERGY (G) ENGELBERG ERHALT UNS, HERR ERMUNTRE DICH ES FLOG EIN KLEINS WALDVÖGELEIN ES IST DAS HEIL ES IST EIN ROS (ISORHYTHMIC) ES IST EIN ROS (RHYTHMIC) ES IST GENUG ES IST GEWISSLICH ES WOLLE GOTT UNS GNÄDIG SEIN EVAN EVENTIDE EWING Contents: A Great and Mighty Wonder A Mighty Fortress Is Our God A Multitude Comes from the East and the West Abide with Me All Praise to Thee, for Thou, O King Divine All Who Believe and Are Baptized Alleluia! Jesus Is Risen (A♭) Alleluia! Jesus Is Risen (G) As with Gladness Men of Old Before the Throne of God Above Before You, Lord, We Bow Behold a Host, Arrayed in White Blest Be the Tie That Binds Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light Christ Is Our Cornerstone Christ the Eternal Lord Come Down, O Love Divine Crown Him with Many Crowns Drawn to the Cross, Which Thou Hast Blessed Earth and All Stars (A♭) Earth and All Stars (G) Evening and Morning “Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive” From God the Father, Virgin-Born Fruitful Trees, the Spirit’s Sowing God Moves in a Mysterious Way Hope of the World Hosanna, Lord Hosanna (A) Hosanna, Lord Hosanna (G) I Am Content! My Jesus Ever Lives I Know That My Redeemer Lives I Walk in Danger All the Way Jerusalem the Golden Jesus Christ Is Risen Today Jesus, Grant That Balm and Healing Jesus Shall Reign Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming Lord God, to Thee We Give All Praise Lord Jesus Christ, You Have Prepared Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word Lord, Open Now My Heart to Hear Love in Christ IS Strong and Living May God Bestow on Us His Grace Not What These Hands have Done (F) Not What These Hands Have Done (G) O Day Full of Grace O Day of Rest and Gladness (A) O Day of Rest and Gladness (G) O Gracious Lord, with Love Draw Near O Holy Spirit, Grant Us Grace O Love, How Deep O Wondrous Type! O Vision Fair Of the Father’s Love Begotten Oh, That the Lord Would Guide My Ways On My Heart Imprint Your Image On What Has Not Now Been Shown One Thing’s Needful Salvation unto Us Has Come Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise Sing Praise to the God of Isreal Sweet Flowerets of the Martyr Band The Day Is Surely Drawing Near The Gifts Christ Freely Gives The Law of God Is Good and Wise The Lord Is My Light This Is the Spirit’s Entry Now Thy Strong Word To God on High Be Glory To Jordon Come the Christ, Our Lord We Give Thee But Thine Own (F) We Give Thee But Thine Own (G) We Know That Christ Is Raised When in Our Music God Is Glorified You Are the Way’ through You Alone Difficulty Level: Medium – Easy 172 Pages, softbound 2013 Concordia Publishing House