Johann Caspar Kerll
Organist Elisabeth Ullmann performs most of the surviving keyboard works of 17th century composer Johann Caspar Kerll on the 1654 Michael Prackh organ at Pernegg Abbey in Austria. Kerll, who was born in Southern Germany, studied and performed at the Court in Vienna, as well as in Brussels and Italy. Although most of his works are lost, his influence was far-reaching; Handel borrowed the theme from Canzona VI for the chorus Let All the Angels of God from Messiah. The organ at Pernegg was carefully restored by Jürgen Ahrend in 2004. Toccata I Ricercata a 4 Canzona I Canzona II Canzona III Capriccio sopra il Cucu Ciacona variata in C Battaglia Toccata VI Suite in FAllamandeCouranteSarabandeGigue Toccata V Canzona IV Canzona V Canzona VI Passacaglia variata in d