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Madrigals and Partsongs The exceptional National Youth Choir of Great Britain conducted by Micahel Brewer and Robert Isaacs perform unaccompanied works by 19th-century composers Robert L. de Pearsall and Charles Wood, both of whom strongly embraced characteristics of much earlier music in their fine works for choir. PEARSALL: Summer is y-coming in; Great God of love; Light of my soul, Lay a garland WOOD: Nights of music; Whispering waves; Widow bird; If love be dead; Come, sleep; Song for a dance; As the moon’s soft splendour; When thou art nigh; A clear midnight; How dear to me; The nymph’s fawn; Hence away; begone!; Full fathom five; Music, when soft voices die; How sweet the tuneful bells; When winds that move not