Membership in the Organ Historical Society
Active since 1956, the Organ Historical Society celebrates, preserves, and studies the pipe organ in America in all its historic styles through research, education, advocacy and music. It welcomes all people who love the pipe organ and want to support the instruments, builders and players in our communities. OHS houses the most extensive Archives and Library on American organ building in the USA. Membership in OHS ranges from Young Adult Memberships ($42.00 a year), Regular Memberships ($87/96.00 a year) and Senior Memberships ($66/$78.00 a year), with the option to receive the Tracker by mail or read it through the OHS website. Memberships are available for those studying the organ at the High School, Undergraduate or Masters Degree level at no cost through the new Barbara Owen Fund for Education. The Society sponsors summer Conventions in different cities each year, with excellent concerts and well-researched information on the instruments chosen for presentations and programs. There are scholarship opportunities and research/writing grants available in this multi-faceted organization.
For yourself, a colleague, organ professional or aficianado, Membership includes the monthly online newsletter, OH! , plus special notifications of events, concerts, Conventions, new publications, special sales in the OHS Catalog, and other items of interest to OHS members. Go to the OHS website for the full details, and get to know OHS better!
Welcome to the Organ Historical Society!