Michael Burkhardt, Creative Hymn Playing
This guide to creative hymn-playing by internationally known organist and composer Michael Burkhardt will inspire great hymn interpretation and accompanying. Covering topics such as selecting registrations, phrasing and breathing, improvisation, and preparing hymns; this collection is useful to organists of varying levels of training. Includes improvisations on 31 well-known hymn-tunes. Part 1: Leading Congregational Song Part 2: Creative Hymn Playing Using the Hymnal Part 3: Beginning Hymn-Based Improvisation Part 4: Hymn-Based Improvisation: Repertoire TUNES INCLUDED: Antioch, Besançon, Bryn Califaria, Carol, Coronation, Erhalt uns, Herr (2 settings), Gloria, Herzliebster Jesu, Holy Manna, Hymn to Joy, Il et né, In Babilone, Italian Hymn, Lancashire, Liebster Jesu wir sind hier, Lobe den Herren, Madrid, Mit Freuden Zart, New Britain (Amazing Grace), Picardy, Revive Us, St. Anne (2 settings), St. Denio, Stephanos, Straf mich nicht, Sufferer, Wessex Carol, Veni Emmanuel and Wondrous Love.