Music for Funerals
Music for Funerals compiles appropriate music for Christian services as performed by many unidentified organists and choirs as compiled from recordings produced by Priory Records during the past decade. A 24-page booklet gives texts as well as suggestions for the service. The set is intended to aid anyone who must plan a funeral, including those who plan their own. There is much beautiful music here, too, simply for listening. Jesu, joy of man’s desiring Abide with me Lord, let me know mine end Solemn melody O holy Jesus Give us the wings of faith Beati quorum via Bring us, O Lord God Panis Angelicus Ave verum corpus (Elgar & Mozart) For the fallen Thou wilt keep him Psalms 23 & 121 Come down, O Love divine Air in C I will lift up mine eyes How lovely are thy dwellings fair Ave Maria The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended