Organs in Contrast
Christopher Kent plays works of Johann Pachelbel and John Bull on two instruments to demonstrate two of the organ styles that Pachelbel would have encountered in his lifetime. To demonstrate an instrument like Pachelbel would have encountered during his time at St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna, Kent plays the 1642 Festorgel by Johann Georg Freundt, found in the Stiftskirche, Klosterneuburg, Austria. The instrument, which includes a surviving seventeenth century reed rank, was most recently updated by the Kuhn firm in 1990. To demonstrate an organ style Pachelbel would have encountered during his time in several Protestant towns in Thuringia, Germany, Kent plays the 1718 Trost organ at the Walpurgiskirche in Grossengottern. The instrument was restored to its original disposition in 1995-7 by Eule & Co. Its tuning is after Werckmeister. Blow: Voluntary in C* Cornet Voluntary (in A minor)** Voluntary (in D minor)* Pachelbel: Hexachordum Apollinis: Aria Prima + Variations* Aria Secunda + Variations** Aria Tertia* Aria Quarta** Aria Quinta** Aria Sexta** * indicates the organ in Klosterneuburg ** indicates the organ in Grossengottern