Orpha Ochse, Schoenstein and Company Organs
Beginning at the time Louis Schoenstein’s Memoirs of a San Francisco Organ Builder closes, this book documents the most recent thirty years of the oldest and largest organ factory in the western United States: from the sale of the firm to Jack Bethards in 1977 through well-known projects renovating the organ of the Mormon Tabernacle and building the new 130-rank organ for the Salt Lake City Conference Center of the Latter-Day Saints to the present. Dr. Ochse describes in detail Bethards’ many special designs, including his tonal concept of symphonic organs, double expression, French Choir Organs, and the 'multum in parvo' design, of which the Conference Center organ is an example. An absorbing read for enthusiasts as well as professionals, this 2008 publication includes 41 illustrations and the stoplists of 23 organs. 150 pages, currently available only in softcover.