Popular Choral Music from Truro Cathedral
Under the direction of Master of Choristers and Organist Andrew Nethsingha, this 1997 recording features the men and boys of the Choir of Truro Cathedral performing popular choral music both old and new. Simon Morley, Assistant Organist, accompanies. The Truro Eucharist was composed in 1990 for the first Easter Eucharist of the Rt. Revd. Michael Ball, Bishop of Truro, by former Master of Choristers and Organist David Briggs. William Byrd Ave Verum Corpus J. S. Bach Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring Maurice Greene Lord, let me know mine end Sir Charles Hubert Parry My Soul there is a Country Sir Charles Villiers Stanford Te Deum in B flat Gabriel Fauré Pie Jesu (from the Requiem) Henry Balfour Gardiner Te lucis ante terminum Edward Woodall Naylor Vox Dicentis: Clama Charles Wood O Thou the Central Orb Richard Shephard And didst thou travel light David Briggs Truro EucharistKyrieGloriaSanctus and BenedictusAgnus Dei