The New English Hymnal, Volume 10: The Choir of Truro Cathedral
The Choir of Truro Cathedral directed by Andrew Nethsingha with Christopher Gray, organ 'Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire (348)', 'Sing, ye faithful, sing with gladness (448)', 'The Lord will come and not be slow (15)', 'O Thou in all thy might so far (429)', 'Thou art the Christ, O Lord (172)', 'O Christ, who art the Light and Day (61)', 'My song is love unknown (86)', 'O God, thy soldiers' crown and guard (218)', 'The strife is o'er, the battle done (119)', 'Come, ye faithful, raise the strain (106)', 'Day of wrath and doom impending (524)', 'O God of Bethel, by whose hand (416)', 'Sing how the age-long promise of a Saviour', 'Spread, O spread, thou mighty word (482)', 'O Christ, our hope, our hearts' desire (129)', 'The God of love my Shepherd is (77)', 'O Jesu, Saviour of mankind (223)', 'Immortal, invisible, God only wise', 'The God of Abraham praise (148)', 'O Food of men wayfaring (300)', 'Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (388)'