Robert Lind, Organ Works for the Church Year Manuals Only
Twenty seven organ voluntaries by Robert Lind covering the entire church year. Contents: Advent Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland Prelude on “Helmsley” Voluntary on “Merton” Variations on “Stuttgart” (also Epiphany or Praise) Christmas Voluntary on “In dulci jubilo” Voluntary on “Personent hodie” Voluntary on “Puer nobis nascitur” Voluntary on “Une jeune pucelle” Epiphany Erhalt uns, Herr (Rhythmic tune) Voluntary on “Dix” (also Thanksgiving or Praise) Voluntary on “Salzburg” (also Easter) Voluntary on “Wareham” (also Transfiguration) Lent Now Let Us All with One Around Palm Sunday All Glory, Laud, and Honor Erhalt uns, Herr (Isometric tune) (also Baptism) Holy Week Voluntary on “Bangor” Voluntary on “Herzliebster Jesu” Easter Voluntary on “Christ ist erstanden” Voluntary on “Unser Herrscher” Ascension Voluntary on “Ach Herr, du allerhöchster Gott” Pentecost Voluntary on “Sonne der Gerechtigkeit” Special Days Christ the King Voluntary on “Diademata” For Marriage, Christian life, or St. Bartholomew Voluntary on “Halton Holgate” Saints’ Days Voluntary on “Nyland” Trinity Sunday Nicaea General Voluntary on “Lasst uns erfreuen” Voluntary on “Lauda anima” 74 pages, softbound 2011 Paraclete Press