Rollin Smith, OHS Philadelphia 2016 Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Anthology
The first book to celebrate all aspects of the pipe organ in one of America’s greatest cities, the Philadelphia Anthology was published by the Organ Historical Society in conjunction with its 60th anniversary convention. It includes 16 chapters, many by prominent authors, on Philadelphia organbuilders John C.B. Standbridge, Henry Knauff, and C.S. Haskell; organs in the Wanamaker store, Atlantic City Convention Hall, two great synagogues, the 1876 Centennial Exposition, and Tindley Temple. Other essays discuss Alexandre Guilmant’s visits to Philadelphia, Aeolian organs in palatial homes, church music, Emerson Richards and the American Classic revolution in organbuilding, and early organ recordings. Fully indexed with almost 300 pages and 125 illustrations, this is the most important book on the organ to be published in 2016.