The New English Hymnal, Volume 13: The Choir of Sheffield Cathedral
The Choir of Sheffield Cathedral, Neil Taylor, director; Peter Heginbotham, organist. 'Rejoice to-day with one accord (444)', 'Lord of the boundless curves (405)', 'Alleluya! Alleluya! (103)', 'Psalm 98: Sing to the Lord (535)', 'Christ is the world's true Light (494)', 'Lord, while for all mankind (491)'Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us (393)', 'Wake, O wake! (16)', 'Jesu!the very thought (291)' , 'Ye who own the faith of Jesus (188)' ,'Lord, in this thy mercy's day (69)' ,'O God, our help in ages past (417)' ,'Blessèd Jesu, Mary's son (275)', 'Holy Spirit, come, confirm us (140)' ,'Lord God of Hosts (162)', 'Jesu, meek and lowly (85)', 'Come, thou Holy Spirit, come (139)', 'Sing Alleluya forth (446)', 'Oft in danger, oft in woe (434)', 'O Trinity of blessed light (54)', 'Who is this so weak (474)', 'O love, how deep (425)', 'Psalm 84: How lovely is your dwelling place (534)', 'New every morning is the love (238)', 'O Jesu, King most wonderful (386)', 'Son of God, eternal Saviour (498)'