The New English Hymnal, Volume 16: The Choir of The King's School, Canterbury
The Choir of The King's School, Canterbury, Howard Ionascu, director; Matthew Martin, organ 'Angel-voices ever singing (336)', 'It is finished! Blessèd Jesus (99)', 'The Son of Consolation (167)', 'All ye who seek a comfort sure (63)', 'Long ago, prophets knew (10)', 'Most ancient of all mysteries (147)', 'O Thou who dost accord us (75)', 'Saints of God! Lo, Jesu's people (179)', 'Lord Jesus Christ (297)', 'All for Jesus! (272)', 'Of the glorious body telling (268)', 'Holy God, we show forth here (290)', 'O come and stand beneath the cross (98)', 'We plough the fields, and scatter (262)', 'Before the ending of the day (241)', 'O perfect Love (320)', 'Father eternal, Lord of the ages (356)', 'Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All (384)', 'The head that once was crowned with thorns (134)', 'Sing praise to God who reigns above (447)', 'Come, let us join our cheerful songs (349)', 'Let all the world (394)', 'Christians awake! (24)', 'Bright the vision that delighted (343)', 'The King of love my Shepherd is (457)', 'Christ is our corner-stone (206)'.