The Philadelphia Organbuilder: Wesley Parrott & Matthew Glandorf Play
Organs by Patrick J. Murphy & Associates 2CDs for the Price of One! This Philadelphia organbuilder presents two CDs to showcase three organs built by his firm in 1999, 2000, and 2003 and to showcase two of Philadelphia’s fine organists, Matthew Glandorf and Wesley Parrrott. Murphy, a native of the Philadelphia area, was one of three recipients of the first OHS E. Power Biggs Fellowship in 1978 while he was in high school. He took a degree in organ performance from Ohio Wesleyan University and then apprenticed in organbuilding, founding Patrick J. Murphy & Associates in 1987. The three organs are of moderate size, in differing acoustics, and feature new or entirely rebuilt mechanisms with a combination of new pipes and selectively recycled old pipes. The playing is superb. CD 1 Fanfares and Fantasies WESLEY PARROTT, ORGANIST St. Mary’s, Cathedral Road (Episcopal), Philadelphia, Op. 28, 1999 HEWITT-JONES: Fanfare MOZART: Adagio, Allegro, Adagio, K. 594 LLOYD WEBBER: Solemn Procession SOWERBY: Fantasy for Flute Stops ARTHUR WILLS: Fanfare LISZT: Fantasie & Fuge Ad nos CD 2 Hymns, Dances, and Improvisations MATTHEW GLANDORF, ORGANIST Colts Neck (NJ) Reformed Church, Op. 39, 2003 RACHMANINOV: Prelude in g, op. 23/5; Prelude in c-sharp, op. 3/2 HOWELLS: Three Psalm Preludes, Set 2 GLANDORF: Improvised Preludes on Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child and Ride On, King Jesus St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Pennsburg, Penn., Op. 36, 2000 BARTOK: Romanian Folk Dances BACH: Passacaglia & Fugue in c BWV 582 GLANDORF: Five Improvised Character Dances