Hugo Distler, New Edition of the Complete Organ Works, Volume 1
This critical edition edited by Armin Schoof with previously unpublished works includes the forewords of the first editions, facsimiles, a critical commentary for each volume as well as a list of sources. Contents: Preface Hugo Distler and his Organ Works Photographs Facsimiles Organ Partita “Nun komm, der heiden Heiland” (“Veni, redemptor gentium”) op. 8, No. 1 Preface of the First Edition Specifications of the Stellwagen Organ of the First Edition (Facsimile) Concluding Remark with Registration Suggestions of the First Edition I. Toccata II. Chorale with Variations III. Chaconne IV. Toccata Organ Partita “Wachet suf, ruft uns die Stimme” op. 8, No. 2 Preliminary Remark of the First Edition I. Toccata II. Bicinium III. Fugue Critical Report I. Abbreviations II. Editorial policies III. Sources IV. Detailed references Glossary (The composer’s performance instructions) 56 pages, softbound 2008 Bärenreiter