Romantic Variations for German Romantic Organ
Kurt-Ludwig Forg plays the 3-47 organ built in 1997 in Romantic style at the large Münster in Radolfzell/Bodensee by Peter Mönch of Überlingen. The new organ recycles many pipes remaining of the much-rebuilt 1903 Schwarz organ. Also, a spectacular Romantic facade from 1903 was found stashed in the parsonage attic and it was reconstituted for the new organ that is built on slider chests with tracker action and with stop controls and other console devices in 19th-century style. Repertoire explores a few unfamiliar works as well as some more frequently heard, but none that are greatly familiar. HANS UWE HIELSCHER: Variations on Frère Jacques KNECHT: Thema mit vier Veränderungen HESSE: Introduction, Theme & Variations in A, op. 47 C. FINK: Sonata 3 in d, op. 19, Andante RHEINBERGER: Passacaglia, op. 167 REGER: Basso ostinato, op 129 KARG-ELERT: Symphonic Chorale Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade, op. 87 SCHILLING: Partita quasi Trompetteria on Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr