The New English Hymnal, Volume 21: The Choir of Christ's College, Cambridge
David Rowland, director; Simon Jacobs and Alexanda Jobling, organ. He who would valiant be; Child of the stables secret birth; Eternal Power, whose high abode; What child is this; You, living Christ our eyes behold; Psalm 104: Praise the Lord; O little One sweet; Thou didst leave thy throne; Laud, O Sion, thy salvation; Twin princes of the courts; Lo, in the wilderness a voice; Once, only once and once for all; Light of the lonely pilgrims heart; The Lord my pasture shall prepare; In the bleak mid-winter; Captains of the saintly band; Jesu, thou joy of loving hearts; Wherefore, O Father; O Jesus, I have promised; God is love: let heavn adore him; How shall I sing that majesty; Come, thou Holy Spirit, come; Psalm 145: Great is the Lord; `Tis good, Lord, to be here!; Ye that know the Lord is gracious