The New English Hymnal, Volume 11: The Choir of Wakefield Cathedral
The Choir of Wakefield Cathedral directed by Jonathan Bielby with Louise Marsh, organ 'Soldiers of Christ, arise (449)', 'The Church triumphant in thy love (198)', 'Faithful Shepherd, feed me (282)', 'Lift up your hearts (398)', 'Children of the heavenly King (344)', 'They whose course on earth is o'er (462)', 'Holy Father, cheer our way (246)', 'Thou art the Way: by thee alone (464)', 'O thou not made with hands (430)', 'The Maker of the sun and moon (38)', 'Virgin-born, we bow before thee (187)', 'Rejoice, O land in God thy might (493)', 'O King most high of earth and sky (131)', 'Victim Divine, thy grace we claim (309)', 'At the Cross her station keeping (97), 'O praise our great and glorious Lord (116), 'Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle (78)', 'Forgive our sins as we forgive (66)', 'See the Conqueror mounts in triumph (132)', 'Fair waved the golden corn (260)', 'A heavenly splendour from on high (154)', 'The advent of our God (14)', We love the place, O God (471)', 'Let us, with a gladsome mind (397)', 'Who, are these, like stars appearing (231)', 'Give rest, O Christ (526)'