The New English Hymnal, Volume 4: The Choir of Gloucester Cathedral
The Choir of Gloucester Cathedral directed by David Briggs; Ian Ball, organ.The National Anthem; Love divine, all loves excelling; Father, hear the prayer we offer; All creatures of our God and King; Mary, weep not, weep no longer; Thine be the glory; The royal banners forward go; Bethlehem of noblest cities; God rest you merry, gentlemen; O come, all ye faithful; Now is eternal life; Thou hallowed chosen morn of praise; Lift up your heads ye mighty gates; The day of resurrection; Nature with open volume stands; Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright; Forty days and forty nights; This day the first of days was made; Come, let us with our Lord arise; Creator of the earth and sky; Let our choirs new anthems raise; Now thank we all our God; Of the Father’s heart begotten